About Us

Indo Marine Spares is a leading stockist and supplier of International Quality Ship Machinery, Spares and Equipment procured from dismantling ships at one of the World's largest ship breaking yard, Alang (India). We serve shipping companies, ship management companies, ship repair companies, trading houses, marine training institutions & ship spare resellers across the globe. We enjoy the reputation of reliable supplier for many of our trusted customers worldwide.

Our clients are in every corner of the globe – from Asia to the Middle East, The US & Canada, Africa and Europe.

We are based in India with regional centres in the UK and UAE. Our logistic department manages door to door shipment for traders and owners to nearly any port of the world. Indo Marine is always ready to help its valuable customers across all time zones.

Ship Machinery and Spares Supplier

Keeping you Ship shape

Focus Products

Various Control Equipment

Control & Detection Equipment

Marine Equipment

Industrial & Marine Valves

Fire Fighting Equipment

Industrial Material

Safety Equipment

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Measuring Instruments

Brands We Deal in

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Contact Us

Head Office

Office No. 201, 2nd Floor,
Shree Complex, Crescent Circle,
Bhavnagar 364006 Gujarat - India

  +91-9601849899 / 9809786110



Plot 255-256, Shop No. C-1, VIP Park, Kumbharwada,
Bhavnagar 364006 Gujarat - India

Branch Office: Ahmedabad

Office No. 710, C Block, Rajyash Rise,
Opp Haweli Cafe, Vishala Circle,
Ahmedabd 380055 Gujarat - India

Branch Office: Mumbai

Sky Park CHS Ltd.
Goregaon (W)
Mumbai-400 104 Maharashtra-India

Middle East- Associate Representative

  +971 58 504 7861

Europe & UK - Associate Representative :

  +44 190 841 0720

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